What is the belt system in BJJ? What are the BJJ belt ranks?
Belt Rank in Jiu Jitsu for adults is as follows:
- white
- blue
- purple
- brown
- black
A Black Belt instructor will conduct belt promotions according to the Atlantic Jiu Jitsu Association criteria for all students.
How do I Climb the Ranks?
In order to climb the ranks of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under the Alliance system you must meet the following criteria.
Belt Graduation is based on 4 criteria:
- Attendance: Belt Stripes are awarded based on attendance. Once a student reaches the required number of stripes he/she may test for the next belt. Attendance is used as a general guide, as some may take longer than others to achieve the required technical standard. The number of classes in the graphic below are the minimum requirement.

2. Technical ability: a belt test is administered to ensure each student can demonstrate the required techniques to a high standard before they can be promoted to the next rank.
3. Sparing / fighting ability: Instructors measure how well a student performs under a high stress, dynamic environment (sparring). (i.e. completing a successful escape from a common headlock during sparring).
4. Personal character: this is a measure of how well you follow the guiding principles of the school.
Students and Instructors are expected to attend scheduled seminars. These experiences allow for additional learning opportunities and student evaluation. All promotions are at the discretion of the instructor.
Please do not ask about when you will get your belt promotion, be patient and your time will come.
Also check out this link for more information.
Belt Test
Belt promotion relates to moving from one belt to the next, i.e higher rank. Once a student has received their 4th stripe on their current belt, the instructor will organise a belt testing date.
Atlantic Jiu Jitsu test requirements are available at the reception desk. There is a belt test fee for each test, more info available at reception. The belt test allows the Instructor to evaluate each students technical understanding of Jiu Jitsu. Through the belt test report we give students feedback on where they excelled and places that need improvement. A high standard is required in order to pass.
In the time coming up to belt tests, a student must take time to prepare. Often, other members of the academy will want to help you. Higher ranked students are happy to help the student understand and practice the techniques for the test. Open-Mat classes are also ideal for those preparing for belt tests.
Class Levels

Fundamentals BJJ
Level: All Levels
Focus: White belt (beginner students)
This is where all students start. Here you will learn the essential skills of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
The fifteen fundamental positional skills of Jiu Jitsu: A very important question to ask in any area that you wish to excel is this;
What are the fundamental skill sets in this activity upon which competence/excellence are required?
In the case of Jiu Jitsu there are three broad areas in which must be examined;
1 – Standing position
2 – Guard Position
3 – Pin Position
A useful way to categorise and map out the fundamentals of Jiu Jitsu is to see each of these three areas as having five distinct skill sets that the student must first develop competence in and ultimately, mastery.
- Stance
- Motion
- Grip
- Off Balancing (Kuzushi)
- Transitions to the ground (Takedowns/throws/guard pulls/Standing submission entries)
- TOP – Opening a closed guard
- TOP – Passing an open guard
- TOP – Passing a half guard
- BOTTOM – Guard retention
- BOTTOM – Sweeps/reversals from guard
- BOTTOM – Sweeps/reversals from half guard
- TOP – Pin maintenance and transitions
- TOP – Breaking down turtle position
- BOTTOM – Escaping pins – Chest to Chest & Chest to Back
- BOTTOM – Escapes/reversals from turtle position
Our fundamentals program clearly identifies; three broad areas for skill development, five skill sets within each as the fifteen essential positional skills that we will need to cover if we are to be considered as having completed the fundamental requirements of skill development in Jiu Jitsu
Obviously within each of these positional skill sets there are many moves, movements, concepts, tactics etc to learn.
It is important to have a road map on the journey into Jiu Jitsu and this fifteen positional skill-sets map gives a student clear understanding of what they need to cover to have a complete fundamentals game. Obviously there are many other skills besides positional skills (such as submissions) to be studied, but Jiu Jitsu is founded upon position so that’s a sound place to start a fundamentals program.
Intermediate Gi BJJ
Level: White belt – 2 Stripes and above
Focus: Experienced White belt students
Designed for those who have completed the Fundamentals curriculum and/or have attained at least a 2nd degree white belt, the Intermediate curriculum will prepare students to get to blue belt, begin sparring, and participate in the advanced classes.
Students progress in a systematic fashion to improve understanding, reflexes, and overall development in the sport.
The intermediate class was designed with the white belt student in mind, it can be beneficial for more advanced students looking to perfect their technique or people who may be returning from a layoff. However, Blue belt students should prioritise the advanced classes in order to progress in skill development.
Intermediate No-Gi BJJ
Level: White belt – 2 Stripes and above
Focus: Experienced White belt students
The format of this class is the same as Intermediate Gi BJJ. Designed for students who have completed the fundamental curriculum and/or have attained at least their 2nd degree white belt. This class is conducted without the gi (Jiu Jitsu Uniform).
All students are required to wear a ranked Rashguard and IBJJF approved board shorts, No loose-fitting t-shirts. Grappling leggings should be worn under shorts. Shorts must not have zips or pockets. See Uniform Rules.
Our Goal is to eventually re-introduce an advanced No-Gi Class.
Advancement Gi BJJ
Level: Blue belt and above
Focus: Skill development
Designed for those who have completed the fundamental & intermediate curriculum and/or have attained at least their blue belt. The Advancement class is focused on skill development – students looking to evolve their jiu jitsu to the more advanced ranks, compete, or test their abilities in the most practical setting. In this class, the whole world of jiu jitsu, from simple to complex, is an open book to be studied, evaluated, drilled, and put into practice. This is the class where champions are made and fitness goals are exceeded. This class includes more complex positional study and more intense sparring.
Open Mat
Level: White belt – 2 Stripes and above
Focus: Drilling and sparring
This class is open to students that have attained at least a 2nd degree white belt. Each student has the free use of the mats in an unstructured class. This is is the perfect opportunity to improve your game through drilling and technical practice.
*Restrictions apply to attending the Intermediate, Advancement, No-gi & Open Mat classes
What about competing in tournaments?
Our members are encouraged to take part in tournaments, although it is not a requirement. Not everyone who trains with us competes in tournaments.
Competition can be a great way to test what you’ve learned in a more intense environment. This brings even further personal development as you learn to deal with the anxieties related to competition.
If you would like to compete, our club often takes part in many tournaments and competitions each year. Club members will train together or help competing members prepare for the competition at Open-Mat & Advanced classes. We will also assist you with registration and help you find the best travel options if needed. If you are interested in competing, we will help you get competition ready as best we can.

It is highly recommended to focus on improving your physical conditioning if you intend on competing.
It can be a great experience when our team travels to compete. Non-competing team members often attend the tournaments to offer support and your coaches will be there to provide coaching on the day.
As always, If you have any doubts, concerns or questions, please get in touch or ask your instructor at your next visit to the gym.