Improvement by Movement Workshop by Mark Oogan

Great Movement Seminar by Mark Oogan

Movement Seminar a Success!

A great movement seminar was held by Mark Oogan, of Bonobo Gym , in Atlantic Jiu Jitsu on Sunday, March 11th.

The seminar, instructed by Mark Oogan of Swedish Bonobo Gym, centered around all aspects of increasing mobility and movement- not only to increase your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu ability but also overall fitness. Mark Oogan is a movement specialist with a vast experience in sport, yoga, and physical fitness. Mark teaches movement and mobility techniques ranging from coordination, balance, rhythm and strength. It was a great honour to have Mark in Atlantic Jiu Jitsu and to learn from his extensive knowledge!


The seminar ran for 3 hours and covered a multitude of movements and mobility exercises. The seminar covered movement skills which were accessible to all levels of fitness and skill, whether advanced or beginner! The seminar was very well received. Everyone learned many valuable techniques from Mark today about the various aspects of human movement, all while having great fun. 

A big thank you to Mark Oogan for delivering a  fantastic Movement Skills workshop! Another thank you to all who attended this workshop, your support is very much appreciated.  Hope to see everyone using these techniques to increase their mobility soon! OSS!